Thursday, May 5, 2011

Accountable Kids: Week Two

I think when dealing with a strong willed child, implementing this program may throw them for a loop if you were previously a pretty lax parent. Expect them to test your boundaries and commitment to the program as they have a high need for autonomy. They may feel like you're trying to take that away from them.

Other than that we're doing great! Two weeks down. Two full weeks of school. Two full weeks of the house not being trashed!

Here's a picture of Riley's board! This makes me smile, not only because she's doing well at the program and it's helping her feel accomplished, but because she saves her tickets! I would have done this as a kid! (I'll encourage this trait as it's a big part of the reason as to why I'm a financially responsible adult). We actually had to make her spend some of them because we ran out.

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