We just completed Week 3 of the Accountable Kids (AK) program. We're still on Step 2.1, which means our kids have chores that they are responsible for completing every morning, afternoon, and evening. They are very basic: brush teeth, get dressed, etc. When they complete their chores, they earn privileges like watching television, playing with certain toys, visiting my parents (we live next door and so once summer hits my kids like to do this daily since they can walk there, but they are also notorious for using it as an excuse to get out of responsibilities here). That was step one. We have implemented the first part of Step 2, which is when they complete 10 days of doing all their chores they earn a special date with Mommy or Daddy or possibly a grandparent. Evelyn is one star away from earning her date, and Riley went on her first date with me yesterday!
The other part of Step 2 is implementing what the program calls a privilege pass - it's something you award daily if they avoid a negative behavior. I would like to start using it with Evelyn to work on her sassy mouth and eventually Evelyn and Riley on their bedtime habits. But the trouble I'm having is coming up with a privilege that would be motivating enough that we could afford (either with time or money) to give daily. Anyone have suggestions? The book is usually really good about giving suggestions, but they only two they gave for this particular topic: playing with friends after school (doesn't apply to us) or playing a board game with Dad. That idea may be motivating for some behaviors, but wouldn't work for others.
So how have we been doing with the program? Ah, pretty lax this week! They've still been doing their chores, primarily because they are very motivated to get dates, but I've been dismissing a lot of their chores. Mainly because some things I have to do on my end in order for them to complete their end. For example, they're supposed to fold and put away their laundry. That only happens if I do the laundry! We also haven't done school this week. Why? Well, Gigi had a doctor's appointment on Monday so we followed that up with lunch and a much needed shopping trip for maternity clothes, sandals, and underwear for me, plus new rain boots for the girls. Gigi had worn holes in the pair that had gone through Evelyn and Riley and the other two outgrew theirs. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were gorgeous days here in the midst of our very, very wet Spring. [Actually, as I write people all along the Mississippi river are dealing with massive (unseen since 1927) flooding, in part due to our run-off which goes right into the Ohio. So pray for them]. So on our shopping trip, I bought the bike trailer I've been wanting and we've had 3 straight days of hard core physical education complete with slip'n slides and hours of bike riding (and pretty nice sun tans)! Actually, Evelyn did learn how to ride her bike (with training wheels) proficiently this week. She's still a little bit afraid going around turns and down hills, but I'm excited that we'll be able to hit the bike trail some this summer. (My trailer converts to a jogging stroller, so I can get my walking in pushing the younger two, while Evelyn rides).
When we bought this program, one of the things Richard didn't like about it was that the girls had to earn dates. He didn't want them to think that they had earn time with him, as it does present a works versus grace oriented mentality. I understood his concern, but I still encouraged him to do the program as designed in its entirety since it gets rave reviews for being successful. (And it doesn't mean he can't take the girls on dates just because either)! I have to say that I don't think the program would work without that aspect, while the girls are motivated to earn privileges, they are much, much more motivated to earn dates! They are both familiar with dates because Richard does, on occasion, take them on one, so the idea of getting to go on them more frequently and with Mommy got them pretty fired up.
When Riley was a few a days away from earning her first date, she started to get very excited! She would say to me, "No Evelyn. No Gigi. No Daddy. Just me and Mommy!" Since I'm a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom, I spend a ton of time with my kids. It never really dawned on me how much she valued being the object of my undivided attention with no one around to interrupt! Not only was she excited to do something fun; she was excited to do it with just me. She chose to go to Eat'N Park and mini-golfing. And I surprised her with a trip to her favorite ice cream store afterward. Riley is such a sweet, fun-loving little girl. She danced and sang her way around the golf course, often helping me get the ball out of the hole since bending over that far after eating is not pleasant at this point in the pregnancy. She is also pretty introverted. Our car rides to and from were mostly silent with the exception of me asking her some questions. We didn't really talk about anything significant, but just enjoyed each other's company and the fun of the moment! (She'll make a great girlfriend one day)!
She did have a little bit of a sourpuss attitude toward doing her chores today! :) Oh, and I'm still trying to figure out how to get Gigi to quit emptying the cards from everyone's hooks!
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