Wednesday, February 9, 2011

To Schedule or Not to Schedule

I have never been a scheduler. My husband plays in an independent Christian rock band and I did youth ministry for several years during my own children's youngest ages. It just never made much sense to schedule naps, bedtimes, feedings, etc. when we were always on on the go, sometimes at a youth event or concert til the wee-hours of the morning. I wanted my kids to be flexible because it fit our life. Well, now (paid) youth ministry is behind me. The girls and I seldom go to concerts because now they're several hours away and it's just easier for me to stay than travel with 3 young children. My 5 and almost 4 year old girls are going to start more formal homeschooling. All of my girls have outgrown naps. And, I have a 4th baby on the way.

Recently, my free lifestyle has felt more like a prison, eveloped in feelings of frustration, defeat, and exhaustion (in part due to the pregnancy). Things just were not getting done. The house was (still partially is) a mess. The girls weren't getting schooled. And as I type this well into the month of February, our Christmas tree is sitting in the corner, taunting me (it is undecorated). Let's not even mention self-care: Bible study, prayer time, exercising ... have all gone by the wayside.

So, I will schedule. I've tried schedules before, I really have. I'm not good at them. They don't fit my personality. I've tried simple to-do lists, complex grids, rotating chores. When I don't have a schedule, I tend to focus more on what I got done in a day. When I do have a schedule, it's hard for me to feel satisfaction when I see all the things I didn't get to. (I know, I know, save the lecture). So my goal is to somehow create a schedule the is A) realistic and B) fits everything in I need to accomplish. Hold the laughter. C'este La Vie.

Are you a scheduler? What kind do you use?


  1. I'm not a scheduler by nature either! And I was where you are just a few weeks ago...and then I found 'Smockity Frocks'!
    Here's a mama who homeschools and keeps her house in order....with a gaggle of children undertow!

    She uses a schedule from Managers of Their Home. Oh. My. Gosh. Changed my life! Not only are we schooling better, but the chores are getting done! And I'm not the only one doing the chores....I used Smockity's concept and the kids run the vacuum daily and sweep daily. I even give Nate a little wet rag to wipe the doors and walls. They feel good helping me and it all 'fits' into the schedule! I didn't buy the MOTH book, I kinda just looked at the way Smockity set hers up and googled MOTH images. =)

  2. I have a cleaning schedule (like on Mondays I clean the kitchen thoroughly and cut the kids' nails :) but I think it's more about having a routine for me. In the morning, we get dressed immediately (or asap), have breakfast, do "school," play...lunch happens around 11:30 (I never forget because I'm always starving by that time)...and it just goes that way. I think once you really fall into a routine, things will get better for you. :)

    My planner totally overwhelms me. I feel terrible when I follow a list, but some days I just have to. Or I end up on Facebook all day.
